Metabolomics Core Technology Platform


Overview of Core

The Metabolomics Core Technology Platform offers a broad range of qualitative and quantitative metabolite analyses. We are located at the Centre for Organismal Studies Heidelberg (COS Heidelberg) and are member of the HMLS Core Facility program. All researchers of the University of Heidelberg, the Heidelberg and Mannheim University Hospital, DKFZ, MPImF and EMBL are welcome to request help or place orders for metabolite analyses. We are also open for requests from external researchers.

We are a DFG registered research infrastructure ("Core Facility"): RI_00492

Before first sample submission, please schedule an initial meeting to discuss your project in detail.


The MCTP provides analytical services for diverse Metabolomics analyses.

Untargeted analyses can be performed for comprehensive metabolite fingerprinting by LC-MS. Downstream in-depth bioinformatic data analyses and potential compound identification cannot be provided as a service.

Semi-targeted screening of central core metabolism via GC-MS. This yields fold-change values for ~ 80-200 compounds (depending on the type of sample matrix).

Targeted metabolite profiling and single compound analysis. This allows us to routinely analyze and quantify the following classes of compounds:

-      Inorganic ions (anions)
-      Carbohydrates / sugars
-      Citrate cycle compounds (dicarboxylic organic acids, e.g. malate, fumarate, citrate)
-      a-Ketoacids (e.g. glyoxylate, pyruvate, ketoglutarate)
-      Amino acids
-      Polyamines
-      Nucleotides (e.g. ADP, ATP, GTP, CTP, UTP)
-      Thiols (glutathione and cysteine)

A detailed list of all compounds which have been measured and quantified so far is available upon request.

For the targeted analysis of additional metabolites please contact the MCTP.

Our service includes extraction, separation and detection of metabolites and basic bioinformatics of your data. 


The so far analyzed sample matrices include metabolite extracts of

-      Prokaryotes
-      Yeast
-      Cell culture (Drosophila and human)
-      Human, animal and plant tissues
-      Human body fluids and cell culture/bacterial supernatants

Measurements of further matrices can be established upon request.

Current Equipment

-    GC-TOF system (Leco) for semi-quantitative, comparative studies of central core metabolism

-    GC-MS system (Shimadzu) for analyses of fatty acids

-    2x UPLC QTRAP 6500+ systems (Sciex) for sensitive, targeted analyses and Metabolomics kits (Biocrates).

-    UPLC Ion Mobility Separation VION QTOF system (Waters) for unbiased comparative studies.

-    UPLC system coupled to PDA-, FLR- and QDA - detectors (Waters) for targeted analyses. 

-    Ion-Chromatography system (Thermo) equipped with conductivity and pulsed amperometric detectors for analyses of carbohydrates, organic acids and anorganic ions.

Leadership Personnel

Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Hell  Scientific Director

Tel.: +49 (6221) 546284    Email:


Dr. Gernot Poschet  Managing Director

Tel.: +49 (6221) 545536    Email:

Location and hours of operation

Hours - Staffed Hours - Sample Submission Location

MON - THU  9:00 - 17:00

FRI             9:00 - 16:00




MON 10:30 – 11:30

TUE    9:00 – 11:00

WED 13:30 – 15:00

THU   9:00 – 11:00

Other times upon prior consultation:


Metabolomics Core Technology Platform 

Im Neuenheimer Feld 360

Room -118 / -119

69120 Heidelberg

Links and Resources 

  1. Center for Organismal Studies Heidelberg
  2. General Guideline for Metabolite Analyses
  3. End-User License Agreement


Name Role Phone Email Location
Dr. Gernot Poschet
scientist - manager
+49 (6221) 54-5536
Room -118
Dr. Michael Büttner
+49 (6221) 54 5536
Dr. Glynis Klinke
scientist (DKFZ projects)
+49 (6221) 54-5536
Nina Kunze-Rohrbach
PharmD Roland Palkovacs
scientist (SMART-CARE)
+49 (6221) 54 5536

Service list

Search available services: View: by category alphabetically
Quantification Services (17)
Additional Services (4)
